
Remote Learning Widened Educational Gaps, Especially in Math

The Educational Consequences of Remote and Hybrid Instruction during the Pandemic This study analyzed data from over two million students in nearly 10,000 schools across 49 states and the District of Columbia to understand how remote and hybrid instruction affected educational achievement gaps related to race and school poverty. The study found that remote instruction…


Combating Child Marriage in Bangladesh

A Signal to End Child Marriage: Theory and Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh Despite improvements in female education and job opportunities, child marriage remains common in Bangladesh. Researchers tested a financial incentive to delay marriage coupled with a girls’ empowerment program. Girls eligible for the incentive were 19% less likely to marry young. Surprisingly, the empowerment…


Improving Refugee Resettlement: A New Approach for Matching Preferences

Matching Mechanisms for Refugee Resettlement The existing refugee resettlement processes don’t consider the preferences of refugees or the needs of the host communities. Researchers have introduced a new method that factors in various aspects, like the sizes of refugee families and community capacities. They’ve developed multiple mechanisms and concepts to enhance the refugee resettlement process,…