Fish consumption and risk of incident dementia in elderly Japanese: the Ohsaki cohort 2006 study

Article The study looked at Japanese 65 years old or older and their eating habits in the city of Ohsaki City, Japan. They did a 5-7 year follow up on the incidence of dementia and found that those with the highest fish consumption had a lower risk of incident dementia. This may indicate habitual fish…

The impact of genetic polymorphisms on weight regain after successful weight loss

Link to the article: Genetic polymorphisms are genetic variations in people. These genetic variations can manifest in different ways. In this particular paper, they found that there are certain polymorphisms in adults and children that can caused them to regain weight after an initial weight loss. TL;DR Certain genetic variations (polymorphisms) may predictive of those…

Simple Summary – Comparison of the Eating Behaviour and Dietary Consumption in Older Adults With and Without Visual Impairment

Link to the article: The UK study looked at 96 visually impaired people above the age of 50 (control was 50 people who could see) and had them recall their diet for 3 days. The visually impaired reported eating less nutritious foods and overall lower calories. TL;DR People with visual impairment tend to be undernourished

Simple Summary – Physiological Responses to Maximal Eating in Men

Link to the article: The study looked at 14 men with average body mass where they would have an occasion to eat comfortably and the other occasion to eat until maximal fullness. Both times they were eating pizza. They found that if you ate until maximal fullness, they could eat double the calories as the…

Simple Summary – The Longitudinal Relationship Between Dietary Intake, Physical Activity and Muscle Strength Among Adolescents

Link to the article: The study looked at 436 adolescents starting at age 13 and followed up at ages 15 and 17. They studied the relationship between dietary intake, physical activity, and muscle strength. They found an increase in strength for male adolescents correlating with protein and carbohydrate consumption over the course of five years….

Simple Summary – Association of Egg Intake With Blood Lipids, Cardiovascular Disease, and Mortality in 177,000 People in 50 Countries

Link to the article: The study looked at 146,011 people from 21 countries. Egg consumption was recorded using food frequency questionaire. They looked a the hazard ratios of those people and found no association with egg consumption and blood lipids, mortality, or major cardiovascular events. TL;DR Eggs aren’t associated with increased health complications (CVD, blood…

Simple Summary – Intermittent Fasting, Paleolithic, or Mediterranean Diets in the Real World: Exploratory Secondary Analyses of a Weight-Loss Trial That Included Choice of Diet and Exercise

Link to the article: Intermittent fasting (IF) and Paleolithic (Paleo) have been studied before and found to be effective in controlled studies. The study gave 250 overweight patients the option of Mediterranean, IF, or Paleo diets. Most chose IF. Many patients did not stick to their diet over the course of a year. On average…

Simple Summary – Risk Factors for Mortality in Patients With COVID-19 in New York City

Link to the article: This was a retrospective study taking place in New York City looking at 6,493 patients positive for COVID-19. They looked at specific vital signs and laboratory values and found low blood pressure, increased heart rate, low oxygen, kidney function, and increased D-dimer had increased hazard ratios. Being female, African-American, and hydroxychloroquine…

Simple Summary – COVID-19 in Children and Adolescents in Europe: A Multinational, Multicentre Cohort Study

Link to the article: This a Europe based study where pediatric data was gathered across 25 different countries. Using PCR, they identified 582 children with COVID-19 of which they found that a large majority had mild disease. However, 4% were symptomatic and 0.69% died. TL;DR COVID-19 is a mild in children but a small part…

Simple Summary – COVID-19 Fatalities, Latitude, Sunlight, and Vitamin D

Link to the article: Vitamin D has been found to be important for the immune system and typically equator countries tend to have a higher dose due to their location. Looking at 88 countries and available data, they found there was a relationship between latitude and COVID-19 deaths consistent with previous literature. Populations at risk…