A Road to Efficiency through Communication and Commitment

This study explores a new way to improve cooperation in a coordination game called the minimum-effort game. In this game, coordination problems often happen. The researchers introduced a novel rule where players can talk to each other while making commitments step by step. This approach has a unique prediction: it should lead to the best…

Imperfect Financial Markets and Investment Inefficiencies

This study looks at how noisy information affects investment decisions. It finds that in imperfect markets, people tend to invest too much in things that could bring big gains and not enough in things that might lead to losses. This happens even more when it’s easy to make bigger investments. However, when we look at…

Worth Your Weight: Experimental Evidence on the Benefits of Obesity in Low-Income Countries

Experimental evidence suggests that being obese can have advantages in low-income countries This study examined how obesity is perceived in terms of economic value in Uganda. It found that in poorer countries like Uganda, obesity is seen as a sign of wealth but not necessarily beauty or good health. Through experiments involving loan officers, the…

Child wasting and concurrent stunting in low- and middle-income countries

The goal is to end child malnutrition by 2030, which includes tackling “child wasting,” where kids are too thin for their height. Traditional methods for measuring this problem only give a snapshot, missing when it starts and ends. This study looked at data from 21 groups of children and found that child wasting is a…