The Development of Personalized Depression Treatment Using Brain Signals and AI with Deep Brain Stimulation

Cingulate dynamics track depression recovery with deep brain stimulation Deep brain stimulation (DBS) can help people with severe depression when other treatments don’t work, but it’s hard to figure out how to adjust it for each person. Scientists have developed a way to record brain signals and use artificial intelligence to find out when the…

Wildfires and PM2.5 Pollution Threaten US Air Quality Progress

The contribution of wildfire to PM2.5 trends in the USA The air quality in the USA has improved over the years, thanks to public policies. However, there’s been a recent increase in a type of air pollution called PM2.5, partly due to wildfires. Since 2016, wildfires have made the air dirtier in about 75% of US…

Understanding How Special Immune Cells Defend Against IBD

Conserved γδ T cell selection by BTNL proteins limits progression of human inflammatory bowel disease In our bodies, we have special immune cells called γδ T cells that protect our tissues. Scientists have discovered that these cells are influenced by certain molecules called BTNL. They found that when a particular subset of these cells, known…

A Key to Protecting Brain Cells in Alzheimer’s, MEG3

MEG3 activates necroptosis in human neuron xenografts modeling Alzheimer’s disease In Alzheimer’s disease, the loss of brain cells is a major problem, but we don’t fully understand why it happens. Scientists did an experiment where they put human and mouse brain cells into mice with Alzheimer’s. They found that only the human brain cells showed…

Unlocking Cancer Treatment Potential with CD300ld Molecule

CD300ld on neutrophils is required for tumour-driven immune suppression In cancer, the immune system often gets suppressed, making it hard to treat. Scientists have found a molecule called CD300ld that is important for this suppression. When they blocked CD300ld in mice with tumors, it made the tumors shrink and improved the immune system’s ability to…

Magnetic Fields Discovered in Ancient Star-Forming Galaxy

Polarized thermal emission from dust in a galaxy at redshift 2.6 Magnetic fields are really important for how galaxies evolve and how stars are born. We’ve known about these magnetic fields in our own Milky Way and nearby galaxies, but we didn’t know when they first appeared in the Universe. Now, we’ve found evidence of…

Unlocking the Power of Chemical Timekeepers: Oscillatory Systems and Catalytic Wonders

A catalytically active oscillator made from small organic molecules Oscillatory systems are like regulators in our body, controlling many important processes like metabolism, cell division, and even things like our daily rhythm and heartbeat. Scientists were inspired by chemical oscillations found in non-living things and created synthetic oscillators that work like timekeepers. These synthetic oscillators…

Navigating Global Rules: Balancing Business Interests and Our Well-Being

The Political Economy of International Regulatory Cooperation This study looks at international rules that countries agree upon, especially when businesses push for these rules. It’s important to understand that the impact of these rules on our well-being depends on whether companies in different countries have similar or different interests. When companies in different countries want…

How Bureaucrats Impact Prices and Quality in Russia’s Procurement Process

Individuals and Organizations as Sources of State Effectiveness Bureaucrats play a crucial role in a state’s productivity, affecting the prices paid for goods and services. In Russia, individual bureaucrats and organizations managing procurement have a significant impact, with 39% of price variation attributed to them. Effective bureaucrats tend to achieve lower prices while maintaining quality….

Does Identity Affect Labor Supply?

Caste Identity Drives Job Choice Preferences in Rural India This study examines how identity, specifically caste identity, affects job choices in rural India. In a field experiment, workers are less likely to accept job offers associated with castes other than their own, especially if those castes are lower in the social hierarchy. Workers are willing…