Simple Summary – Loss of p53 triggers WNT-dependent systemic inflammation to drive breast cancer metastasis

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Systemic inflammation from cancer is linked to a poor outcome for cancer patients. Inflammation is a biochemical response in the body where white blood cells and other cells secrete substances to protect the body from infections, diseases, and injuries. However, this does not always necessarily turn out well for the body. Another marker that is associated with poor survival is having a too many neutrophils, a type of white blood cell. They found that a certain gene, p53, is associated with neutrophils that related to cancer that spreads, metastasis.  The lost of p53 is associated with increased amounts of these neutrophils and repairing the mechanism that creates these neutrophils reduces cancer spread. This paper is significant because it demonstrates that the specific genetic makeup of breast tumors is closely linked to systemic inflammation and could be another target for cancer treatments.

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